We would like to inform you of the presentation material of SNU R&DB Foundation for
[Research Administration Master Day] held by the SNU R&DB Foundation.
❍ Background: In order to strengthen the expertise of Seoul National University’s research administration,
the ‘Research Administration Master Day’ workshop is being promoted to convey improvements to the industry-academia cooperation group
system, cautions, etc., and to provide a venue for efficient business exchange between research management institutions.
❍ Event date: 2024. 12. 5. (Thursday) 2:00 - 4:00
❍ Venue: 5th floor, Building 38, Seoul National University
❍ Participants: Professors and administrative personnel of research management institutions
❍ Download presentation materials:
Log in to Mysnu (portal) > Integrated Research Administration Management System (SRnD) > Notices > Post No. 588
❍ SNU R&DB Foundation YouTube video scheduled to be uploaded (late December 2024)