Support for Attracting Large-Scale Research Projects

Support for Securing Government Research Funds

1. Support for Proposal Submission and Presentation Preparation Costs

 · Support Amount: Provided differentially based on the average annual research funding request by field.

 · Eligible Projects:① Government (including government-funded institutes) public research projects,② Research duration of 2 years or more,③ Seoul National University (SNU) as the lead research institution, and④ Projects where research funds are centrally managed by the Industry-Academia Cooperation Foundation.

Humanities, Social Sciences & Arts

Natural Sciences, Engineering & Medicine

Average Annual Research Funding (Cash)

Support Limit

Average Annual Research Funding (Cash)

Support Limit

100M KRW to 200M KRW

2.5M KRW



200M KRW to 500M KRW




500M KRW to 1B KRW

3.5M KRW

500M KRW to 1B KRW

3.5M KRW

Over 1B KRW


Over 1B KRW


 · Support Frequency: Up to twice per year per faculty member.

2. Commitment to Matching Funds

 · Eligible Applicants: Principal investigators of research projects with SNU as the lead research institution (tenured faculty or equivalent; including HK professors, funded professors).

 · Support Scale: The requested amount will be supported 55:45 by the university headquarters and the managing institution, regardless of   whether matching funds are mandatory.
  ※ If there is no minimum requirement, up to 5% of the total research budget (SNU government-supported funds) may be requested.

3. University Support Commitment

 · Eligible Applicants: Principal investigators required to include university support information in the research project report submitted to the research supporting agency (tenured faculty or equivalent; including HK professors, funded professors).

 · Key Commitment Details:

Commitment Item

Responsible Department

Independent operation of the project (e.g., autonomy over organization, budget execution rights)

University Headquarters

Matching funds support

University Headquarters, Managing Agency

Reduction of Teaching Responsibilities

Projects or tasks specified in [Appendix 1] of the "Guidelines for Reduction of Teaching Responsibilities for Full-time Faculty."

University Headquarters

Securing research/administrative staff, space, facilities, equipment, etc.

External Institutions


Support for Securing Private Research Funds

4. Support for Industry-Academia Network Building Activities

 · Eligible Applicants: Groups of 5 or more faculty members working on or planning to pursue network-building activities for industry research and industry-academia collaboration.

 · Support Criteria: When the research funding secured from industry is 700M KRW or more annually.

 · Support Amount: Differentiated based on the research funding scale.

Annual Research Funding (SNU Cash)

Support Limit

700M KRW to 1B KRW


1B KRW to 1.5B KRW

2.5M KRW

Over 1.5B KRW


· Support Frequency: Up to twice per group per year.

5. Support for Signing Industry-Academia Cooperation MoUs under the President’s Name

 · Eligible Applicants: When SNU research funds exceed 1B KRW annually, and at least one of the following conditions is met, the appropriateness and necessity of signing the MoU will be reviewed.

1. The research covers multiple disciplines, involving two or more colleges.
2. Legal review within the university determines that a presidential-level agreement is necessary.
3. University headquarters' cooperation and approval are essential for the operation of specific programs.
4. The president deems the MoU necessary for university development or promotion.

 · Support Details: Support for preparation and execution of the MoU event.

6. Support for Managing Large Private Research Projects

 · Managing Department: Research Fund Management Office, Industry-Academia Cooperation Foundation.

 · Eligible Projects: Projects that meet the following conditions:① Total research duration of 3 years or more,② Annual SNU research funding (cash) of at least 2B KRW for humanities, social sciences & arts, and 10B KRW for natural sciences, engineering & medicine,③ Research funds of 500M KRW or more, involving at least two colleges (or graduate schools) or three departments (or divisions),④ Participation of four or more faculty members, and⑤ Over 15% of indirect costs contributed. (Includes projects funded by foreign institutions).

 · Support Details:



Project Management

Research project designated by the managing institution.

Indirect Cost Support Ratio

Industry-Academia Cooperation Foundation: Managing Institution: Research Project Team = 50:32:18

Support Method

The managing institution sets up a budget for the indirect costs, which are disbursed upon request by the research project team.


For inquiries, contact: TEL 02-880-5196,



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