Hyper-Convergence Research Program
1. Objective
To establish a foundation for multidisciplinary joint research aimed at addressing national challenges and promoting convergence research projects that contribute to future society as a research-oriented university.
2. Key Program Details
[ Hyper-Convergence Research Colloquium Grant ]
A. Eligibility
(1) Inter-faculty Colloquium: Each team must consist of at least five professors from a minimum of two different fields and three departments.
(2) Inter-research institutes Colloquium: Each team must consist of at least seven professors from a minimum of two research institutes, with no single research institute representing more than 60% of the total.
B. Grant Amount: Up to 3 million KRW per inter-faculty team, Up to 5 million KRW per inter-research institutes team
C. Application Process and Required documents
Application closed in September 2024.
[ Hyper-Convergence Research Support (Internal Funding) ]
A. Eligibility: Participation to the previous year’s hyper-convergence colloquium is mandatory.
(1) Type I: General Convergence Projects
(2) Type II: Convergence Projects in National Challenge Areas
(3) Type III: Convergence Projects in National Strategic Technology Areas
※ Projects must consist of faculty from at least two different fields and three departments (or divisions). Collaborative researchers may include full-time faculty, endowment faculty, HK faculty, postdoctoral researchers non-SNU full-time faculty and clinical faculty of SNU Hospital Group.
※ Extra credits will be given to participation of non-SNU faculty, with extra additional points for faculty from overseas universities.
B. Funding Amount
(1) Type I: Up to 60M KRW per project
(2) Type II: Up to 80M KRW per project
(3) Type III: Up to 100M KRW per project
C. Support Period: 1 year (Additional support may be provided based on interim evaluation)
D. Application Process and Required Documents
Next application will open in April 2025.
For inquiries, contact: TEL 02-880-2045, colormysoul@snu.ac.kr)