SigAlign: an alignment algorithm guided by explicit similarity criteria

Prof. Joohon Sung

In biological sequence alignment, prevailing heuristic aligners achieve high-throughput by several approximation techniques, but at the cost of sacrificing the clarity of output criteria and creating complex parameter spaces. To surmount these challenges, we introduce ‘SigAlign’, a novel alignment algorithm that employs two explicit cutoffs for the results: minimum length and maximum penalty per length, alongside three affine gap penalties. Comparative analyses of SigAlign against leading database search tools (BLASTn, MMseqs2) and read mappers (BWA-MEM, bowtie2, HISAT2, minimap2) highlight its performance in read mapping and database searches. Our research demonstrates that SigAlign not only provides high sensitivity with a non-heuristic approach, but also surpasses the throughput of existing heuristic aligners, particularly for high-accuracy reads or genomes with few repetitive regions. As an open-source library, SigAlign is poised to become a foundational component to provide a transparent and customizable alignment process to new analytical algorithms, tools and pipelines in bioinformatics.

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2024. 7. 25.


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