Identification of breeding habitats and kdr mutations in Anopheles spp. in South Korea

Prof. Seon-Ju Yeo


Malaria is still endemic in South Korea. However, limited information is available on the current Anopheles breeding sites and the occurrence of insecticide resistance-associated genetic mutations and their distribution needed to control the malaria vector efficiently.


This study explored breeding sites of Anopheline adults in Gimpo-si, near the demilitarized zone (DMZ) in Gyeonggi-do province, South Korea, from 2022 to 2023. Genetic diversity was investigated based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS2), cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), and knockdown resistance (kdr) genes of Anopheles mosquitoes. A natural environment associated with the seasonal abundance of Anopheles larvae was characterized.

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2024. 1. 18.


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