Evaluation of future flood probability in agricultural reservoir watersheds using an integrated flood simulation system

Prof. Moon Seong Kang

In agricultural reservoir watersheds, the presence of various agricultural hydraulic structures combined with the influence of climate change necessitates effective flood risk analysis. This study aims to develop a flood risk evaluation technique for agricultural basins by incorporating the low temporal resolution of climate change scenarios. The approach utilizes flood probability as a key component and incorporates the Multiplicative Random Cascade model as a probability-based rainfall time decomposition model to capture the inherent uncertainty in climate change data. Reliability analysis with the limit state equation is employed for probability-based risk evaluation. Given that agricultural watersheds typically consist of agricultural reservoirs and farmland, the study develops a hydraulic and hydrological linkage model to comprehensively calculate flood probability, simulating from the agricultural reservoir on the upper side to the farmland located at the bottom edge of the watershed. The flood risk assessment is applied to the Yedang Reservoir watershed in Korea, using the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways climate change scenario. Results indicate that flood probability is the highest in river levees during future precipitation events, converging to nearly 100% under 24-hour duration rainfall, irrespective of the rain frequency. Despite the hydraulic structures at the farmland being designed for a lower frequency of rain events, the average probability of flooding in the farmland has reached 50%. The agricultural reservoir exhibits a low risk of flooding even under climate change conditions. The proposed method not only enables the establishment of flood countermeasures but also facilitates the evaluation and prediction of future flood risk for each hydraulic structure located in rural areas affected by climate change.

more >> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130463

2024. 1. 18.


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