SNU-KAIST-KRIBB joint research team, elucidation of Coenzyme Q10 synthesis pathway through mitochondrial proteome study

Prof. Hyun-Woo Rhee

SNU-KAIST researchers highlighted the pivotal role of the protein RTN4IP1 in Coenzyme Q (CoQ) synthesis, crucial for cellular energy production. Using proximity labeling technology, they pinpointed RTN4IP1's location and its involvement in CoQ biosynthesis.

Targeting proximity-labeling enzymes to specific cellular locations is a viable strategy for profiling subcellular proteomes. Here, we generated transgenic mice (MAX-Tg) expressing a mitochondrial matrix-targeted ascorbate peroxidase. Comparative analysis of matrix proteomes from the muscle tissues showed differential enrichment of mitochondrial proteins. We found that reticulon 4-interacting protein 1 (RTN4IP1), also known as optic atrophy-10, is enriched in the mitochondrial matrix of muscle tissues and is an NADPH oxidoreductase. Interactome analysis and in vitro enzymatic assays revealed an essential role for RTN4IP1 in coenzyme Q (CoQ) biosynthesis by regulating the O-methylation activity of COQ3. Rtn4ip1-knockout myoblasts had markedly decreased CoQ9 levels and impaired cellular respiration. Furthermore, muscle-specific knockdown of dRtn4ip1 in flies resulted in impaired muscle function, which was reversed by dietary supplementation with soluble CoQ. Collectively, these results demonstrate that RTN4IP1 is a mitochondrial NAD(P)H oxidoreductase essential for supporting mitochondrial respiration activity in the muscle tissue.

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2023. 10. 31.


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