- [SKERIC] Horizon Europe Info Sessions 호라이즌 유럽 설명회 개최
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- 작성자신재연
- 날짜2024-10-29 20:50:24
- 조회수1346
Horizon Europe Info Sessions 호라이즌 유럽 설명회 개최
Organized as part of SKERIC Week 2024
* Sweden-Korea Education, Research, and Innovation Collaboration, participated by Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Umeå University, University of Gothenburg, Uppsala University, Korea University, Seoul National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology
이번 설명회는 우리 대학에서 참여 중인 스웨덴과의 다자간 연구협력 프로젝트 SKERIC(한국-스웨덴 혁신교육연구단) 행사의 일환으로 기획하였으며, 호라이즌 유럽과 EU 펀딩에 대한 경험이 많은 스웨덴 왕립공과대(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)의 Senior Research Advisor 등 관계자가 직접 진행할 예정입니다.
세 개의 주제별 설명회가 서울대와 고려대에서 개최될 예정이오니, 참석 희망자께서는 각 세션별로 사전등록하여 주시기 바랍니다.
(문의: 연구처 연구정책과 신재연 선임주무관, 02-880-2045, colormysoul@snu.ac.kr)
SNU Office of Research Affairs invites you to Horizon Europe Info Sessions, which will be of great interest to researchers focused on international collaboration with Europe.
Hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, these sessions are aimed at those interested but relatively new to EU funding and engagement within EU.
The purpose of the sessions is to give the participants an increased understanding about how the EU works, with a focus on R&I, and an improved preparedness for participation in EU projects and initiatives with focus on the collaborative opportunities of pillar II. The course includes both general information on EU policy and the funding landscape including how the universities through their Research Support Offices work together with researchers to receive and manage European funding. The sessions also gives you an opportunity to expand your network within SKERIC. We encourage your participation and welcome any questions you may have.
(Inquiries: Ms. Jaeyeon Shin, Division of Research Policy, Office of Research Affairs, colormysoul@snu.ac.kr, 02-880-2045)
1. Horizon Europe Information: Global Approach
Date & Time: 09:00~10:30, Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Venue: 고려대 SK미래관 1층 최종현 홀 Chey Jong-hyon Hall, 1F, SK Future Hall, Korea University
(NAVER: https://naver.me/FhAagWTo, Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/hy3CvwhEi1oPVwjP8)
Open to: All interested
Korean aspirations within Horizon Europe
EU Funding landscape - Global approach
Swedish participation in Horizon Europe, Vinnova
Korea-Sweden Researchers Panel
2. Horizon Europe Grant Office Workshop
Date & Time: 13:30~17:00, Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Venue: 고려대 중앙광장 지하1층 CJ Creator Library, B1F, Central Plaza, Korea University
(NAVER: https://naver.me/5PZEwpbk, Google: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zXnD8GwjJEo39Jpr5 )
Open to: Primarily for grant officers, but researchers interested in joining are welcome as well
This is how the EU works: An overview of the EU Horizon Europe funding landscape (Pillar II Clusters, Pillar II Missions, Pillar II European Partnerships, Evaluation of Pillar II Proposals)
How to support researchers participating in Horizon Europe
NCP system in Sweden
Registration for Session 1 & 2: click
Inquiries: Office of International Affairs
Korea University
3. Horizon Europe Information: Practical
Date & Time: 13:30~17:00, Thursday, November 14
Venue: 서울대 글로벌공학교육센터(38동) 5층 대강당, Auditorium, 5F, Global Education Center for Engineers (Bldg. 38), Seoul National University
Open to: All interested
Horizon Europe overview (focus on funding opportunities in Pillar II)
Korean NCP system
Swedish NCP system and Swedish Participation in Horizon Europe (focus on Pillar II)
Approaches to proposal development: Steps before proposal writing
(KTH Research Support Office Services for researchers, How to "read" a Horizon Europe Call for Proposal?, Importance of impact, How to build your network?)
What is a winning proposal in Horizon Europe? Experiences from an expert evaluator?
Registration: click
Inquiries: Ms. Jaeyeon Shin
Division of Research Policy
Office of Research Affairs